Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Leg Exercises

Leg Relaxation

Exercise 1
1. Sit on floor with legs stretched out in front, with both the legs some space apart.
2. Keep the hands to the sides of the body.
3. Flap the legs in both the sides - 10 times.
Exercise 2
1. Sit on floor with legs stretched out in front, with both the legs placed closer.
2. Keep the hands to the sides of the body.
3. Move the toes front and back - 10 times.
Exercise 3
1. Sit on floor with legs stretched out in front, with both the legs placed closer.
2. Keep the hands to the sides of the body.
3. Rotate the toes in clockwise direction - 5 times.
4. Rotate the toes in anticlockwise direction - 5 times.

Leg Stretch

1. Sit on floor with legs stretched out in front.
2. Pull right leg towards the body, causing knee to come up to chest.
3. Then bring the leg to the front.
4. Now pull the left leg towards the body.
5. Then bring the leg to the front.
6. Perform the steps alternatively 10 times.

Body Lift

1. Sit on floor with legs stretched out in front.
2. Put hands behind you, fingers pointing backwards, and lean on hands.
3. Taking weighs on hands and feet, lift hips up making the body straight.
4. Stay in this position for 20 counts.

5. Perform the steps 3 times.

Padmasana(Lotus Pose)

Padmasana (Lotus Pose)

1. With your palms down, sit on the floor with your legs fully stretched.
2. Hold your right foot with your hands and put it over your left thigh.
3. Hold your left foot with the hands and place your left foot over your right thigh.
Pranayama (Breathing exercises) in Padmasana Pose
First Pranayama Stage

1. Place your palms upside down on the respective knees.
2. Bend the index fingers and place the thumbs on the index fingers.
3. The other three fingers will remain open and straight.
4. Close your eyes and mould your mind to start the breathing exercise.
1. Exhale through the nose, deep from the abdomen – 20 times.
Stomach Breathing

1. Slowly take a deep breath through the nose, with stomach rising.
2. When you have reached a full breath in, pause for a second.
3. Breathe out through your nose and allow your stomach to deflate.
4. At the end of breath out, pause again for a second before breathing in again.
5. Perform the steps 10 times.
Second Pranayama Stage(Mudra)

1. Don’t alter the Padmasana posture or the positions of the fingers.
2. Keep the left arm in the same position.
3. Bend the index and middle fingers of the right hand.
5. Fold the thumb over these fingers.
6. Keep the ring and small fingers straight.
Nostril Breathing

1. Bend your right elbow to your nose.
2. Press the side of your left nostril and block it with your ring finger.
3. Slowly and deeply inhale through the right nostril.
4. Slowly exhale through the same right nostril.
5. Perform the steps 10 times.
6. Remove the hand from left nostril.
7. Now press the side of your right nostril and block it with your thumb.
8. Slowly and deeply inhale through the left nostril.
9. Slowly exhale through the same left nostril.
10. Perform the steps 10 times.
Alternate Nostril Breathing
1. Press the side of your left nostril and block it with your ring finger.
2. Slowly and deeply inhale through the right nostril.
3. Press the side of your right nostril and block it with your thumb.
4. Remove the hand from left nostril.
5. Slowly exhale through the left nostril.
6. Slowly and deeply inhale through the same left nostril.
7. Press the side of your left nostril and block it with your ring finger.
8. Remove the hand from left nostril.
9. Slowly exhale through the left nostril.
10. Perform the steps 10 times.
Yogamudra Asana

1. Sit in Padmasana.
2. Take both hands towards your back and catch the wrist of one hand with the other.
3. Inhale deeply.
4. Exhaling, slowly start bending from your waist, till your forehead touches the ground.
5. Stay in this position for 20 counts.
6. Perform the steps 5 times.
Utthita Padmasana (Lolasana or Dolasana)

1. Sit in Padmasana.
2. Lift the body up with both the hands on the floor.
3. Stay in this position for 20 counts.
4. Perform the steps 3 times. 

Purna Titali Asana (Full Butterfly Pose)

Purna Titali Asana (Full Butterfly Pose)

1. Sit with both the legs wide open and facing the thighs.
2. Hold the toes together by both the hands.
3. Flap the legs inside and outside – 20 times.
Butterfly Pose – Forward Bend
1. Sit in butterfly pose.
2. Inhale deep, then bend forward and exhale.
3. Stay in that position for 20 counts.

4. Perform the steps 3 times. 


Hands Rotation
1.  Stand with both legs slightly apart.
2. Rotate both the hands together in clockwise direction – 10 times.
3. Rotate the hands in anticlockwise direction – 10 times.

Shoulder Rotation

1. Place your hands on your shoulders.
2. Rotate your shoulders in circular motion in backward direction – 10 times.
3. Rotate the shoulders in forward direction – 10 times.

Arm Swing

1. Stretch arms straight out to the side and back behind you.
2. Then bring them all the way towards the chest.
3. Perform the steps 10 times.
Neck Exercises

1. Drop your head forward and then backward – 10 times.
2. Turn your head to the right, back to center, then to the left – 10 times.
3. Drop your head forward and rotate it in clockwise direction – 5 times.
4. Rotate the head in anticlockwise direction – 5 times.
 Hip Rotation

1. Keep upper body stationary.
2. Rotate hips clockwise – 5 times.
3. Rotate hips anticlockwise – 5 times.
Knee Rotation

1. Keep your feet close together.
2. Bend your knees and hold them with your palms on the respective kneecap.
3. Rotate knees clockwise – 5times.
4. Rotate knees anticlockwise – 5 times.

Sit - Ups

1. Position your feet a little wider.
2. Keep your arms in front.
3.Perform sitting and standing alternatively in this position – 10 times.
Waist Twisting

1.  Stand on the twister and hold the handles.

2. Twist your waist in both directions – 20 times.

Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)

Surya Namaskar is a flowing series of 12 poses.

1. Stand with both the legs together.
2. Bring your hands together in prayer position.
3. Raise your arms overhead.
4. Bend backward from the waist.
5. Bend forward until your hands touch your feet.
6. Place both the hands to the sides of the feet.
      7. Step the right leg back, arch back and lift your chin.
8. Step the left leg back into plank position.
9. Keep your spine and legs in a straight line and look down.
10. Lower your knees, your chest and then your forehead.
11. Stretch forward and bend back, keeping your arms straight.
12. Curl your toes under, press down into your heels, and lift your hips.
13. Bring your right leg forward, with the foot flat on the floor, and lift your chin.
14. Bend forward until your hands touch your feet.
15. Stretch your arms forward and over your head.
16. Bend backward from the waist.
17. Come back to prayer position.

18. Perform the steps 3, 6, 9 or 12 times.

Utkatasana (Chair Pose)

Utkatasana (Chair Pose)
1. Stand with both the legs slightly apart.
2. Stretch your arms to the front.
3. Bend your knees and move your upper body forward at 45 degrees.
4. Stay in this position for 20 counts.

5. Perform the steps 3 times.


Start with a Prayer.