Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)

Surya Namaskar is a flowing series of 12 poses.

1. Stand with both the legs together.
2. Bring your hands together in prayer position.
3. Raise your arms overhead.
4. Bend backward from the waist.
5. Bend forward until your hands touch your feet.
6. Place both the hands to the sides of the feet.
      7. Step the right leg back, arch back and lift your chin.
8. Step the left leg back into plank position.
9. Keep your spine and legs in a straight line and look down.
10. Lower your knees, your chest and then your forehead.
11. Stretch forward and bend back, keeping your arms straight.
12. Curl your toes under, press down into your heels, and lift your hips.
13. Bring your right leg forward, with the foot flat on the floor, and lift your chin.
14. Bend forward until your hands touch your feet.
15. Stretch your arms forward and over your head.
16. Bend backward from the waist.
17. Come back to prayer position.

18. Perform the steps 3, 6, 9 or 12 times.

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